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当前位置 -> 首页行业资讯冬季低温苏州环氧地坪漆施工方法及注意事项 发布时间:(2019/5/31)


标签:无锡环氧地坪 | 无锡环氧地坪公司


As we all know, the best construction temperature of epoxy floor paint is 10-35 C, and it can not be constructed below 5 C. The main reason is that the epoxy floor paint material will become sticky and solidified slowly, the construction difficulty is increased, and the quality is difficult to guarantee. So in this winter when we go out and freeze into dogs, is it impossible to construct floor paint? Should we go home and wash and sleep? Of course not, floor paint can also be constructed in winter, referring to the following methods.


1. Isolation of Low Temperature Period


During the construction of epoxy floor paint, try to isolate the low temperature period, start construction after 10 a.m. and stop construction at 3 p.m. to reduce the impact of low temperature.


2. Increase room temperature


Increase the indoor temperature, raise the temperature to more than 5 degrees, which can also be constructed in winter. Many factories in North China have heating, which can be opened before and during construction.3、添加溶剂

3. Adding Solvents


Solvents with less than 5% volatilization rate can be added, such as acetone, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, etc. This can solve the problem of high viscosity and lack of leveling of floor paint at low temperature.4、涂料加热

4. Coating heating


Place the paint in a warm environment or heat it with steam or hot water. But be careful not to let steam or hot water into the paint, and the temperature of hot water should be controlled below 38 degrees. 


Attention should be paid to low temperature floor paint construction in winter:


1. Foggy weather is not suitable for construction


If the construction site is not a sealed space, encounter fog or frost and snow climate, can not be constructed. If the surface of the floor is covered with water vapor, it is not suitable for construction.


2. Extending the time interval


In low temperature environment in winter, the curing time of floor paint becomes longer, so the time interval between construction processes needs to be extended. It is necessary to determine that the film is really dry before the next layer is constructed, otherwise it is easy to appear the problems of color seepage and film delamination.3、注意烟火

3. Pay attention to fireworks


In cold winter, workers are accustomed to smoking or lighting a fire for heating. At this time, they must pay attention to safety awareness and stop lighting a fire or smoking near the place where the paint is stacked. Fireworks, etc., should be far away from the paint accumulation site, in order to avoid causing unnecessary losses.

来源:苏州耐特立  浏览次数:2744
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中国·苏州·苏州耐特立地坪科技有限公司    地 址:中国江苏省苏州市吴中区木渎镇金枫南路1258号11幢    电话: 0512-88963539   0512-65380067/
联系人:范经理  手机号码: 13656212669  传真: 0512-65380067  邮箱:netely_keji@126.com  邮 编:215101 备案号:苏ICP备16061039号