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当前位置 -> 首页新闻资讯解决环氧地坪漆施工不平整的补救措施 发布时间:(2018/11/5)


标签:无锡环氧地坪 | 无锡环氧地坪公司


Epoxy floor paint is a kind of protective film on land. It possesses high adhesion and load resistance. It also has the advantages of toughness, abrasion resistance, compression resistance, impermeability, anti-corrosion, brightness, cost-effectiveness and cleanliness. According to the analysis of floor experts, the thickness of epoxy floor paint can be 0.5-5MM, which is very thin compared with 5-25CM on several sides of cement concrete. As a result, its pressure and flatness still rely on the concrete base. 


We know that, generally speaking, epoxy floor paint requires that the flatness of the base surface should be within the 2-meter boundary, and 2M footage should be used to measure the flatness of the base surface, and the difference can not exceed 2MM. However, not every epoxy floor paint project can achieve perfect flatness, under the condition that the flatness of the epoxy floor paint does not meet the criteria.


When the difference between the base surface of epoxy floor paint is greater than 5MM, we usually use a grinder to grind. The cost of leveling with a grinder or scraping sand in epoxy floor paint will be huge, and the high thickness of sand layer will definitely affect the function of floor paint.


When the difference of epoxy floor paint base surface is less than 5MM, we usually adopt the following two solutions for reference: grinding leveling by grinding machine. Using grinding machine, the highest point can be grinded parallel to the lowest point.


But this kind of method can only be used for thicker epoxy floor paint varieties, such as epoxy resin mortar floor paint, in the construction of epoxy floor paint, in the process of scraping sand, the floor paint and quartz sand are mixed to fill the concrete base surface, to complete the leveling effect.

来源:苏州耐特立  浏览次数:1238
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中国·苏州·苏州耐特立地坪科技有限公司    地 址:中国江苏省苏州市吴中区木渎镇金枫南路1258号11幢    电话: 0512-88963539   0512-65380067/
联系人:范经理  手机号码: 13656212669  传真: 0512-65380067  邮箱:netely_keji@126.com  邮 编:215101 备案号:苏ICP备16061039号