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当前位置 -> 首页新闻资讯地坪漆厂家关于南京环氧地坪漆常见固化问题总结 发布时间:(2019/5/31)


标签:无锡环氧地坪 | 无锡环氧地坪公司


The common curing problems of epoxy floor paint are uneven curing, poor curing, surface sticking, surface whitening and non-curing. The following epoxy floor paint manufacturers will give you an analysis of the reasons for the common curing problems of epoxy floor paint. 


1. Non-uniform curing


The film of epoxy floor paint is soft and hard. This is mainly due to the poor mixing and uneven mixing of the main paint and curing agent in the mixing container. Floor paint manufacturers recommend that we use mixer to mix and reuse the ingredients.


2. Poor curing


The whole film is in poor solidification state, and there are indentations in the movement of heavy objects or personnel. This phenomenon is mainly due to the construction environment temperature is too low, the reaction is not complete, or the proportion of curing agent does not match. Guanglei floor paint manufacturer reminds you that the best construction temperature of floor paint is 5-35 C. When mixing, electronic scales are used to mix materials strictly according to the proportion.


3. Surface stickiness


The surface of epoxy floor paint sticks when it is first set. The main reason is the inadequate stirring of the whole coating, which causes the unreacted components to be separated from the surface.


4. Surface whitening


There seems to be a cloud on the surface of epoxy floor paint. This is mainly due to the heavy humidity of the construction environment, the easy frosting on the coating, or the moisture content of the curing agent, which makes the amine precipitation in the curing agent produce white fog on the surface.


5. Non-curing


Epoxy floor paint does not solidify after construction. The main reason is that the dosage of curing agent is inaccurate or wrong; the ambient temperature is too low (below 5 C).

来源:苏州耐特立  浏览次数:3442
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中国·苏州·苏州耐特立地坪科技有限公司    地 址:中国江苏省苏州市吴中区木渎镇金枫南路1258号11幢    电话: 0512-88963539   0512-65380067/
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