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当前位置 -> 首页新闻资讯如何断定着水性环氧地坪涂料成膜的本能? 发布时间:(2019/2/14)


标签:无锡环氧地坪 | 无锡环氧地坪公司


Waterborne epoxy flooring has been widely used in people's lives because of its advantages of water-borne, convenient use and good permeability. The film-forming process of waterborne epoxy flooring coating is a model of physical and chemical process, and its curing process is not directly affected to the various submissions of the film. The forming process of waterborne epoxy coatings is not only affected by the physical and chemical results of waterborne epoxy emulsion and waterborne epoxy curing agent, but also affected by the situation of curing process. 


1. The influence of scene factors on the curing and film-forming process of waterborne epoxy coatings. The film-forming process of waterborne epoxy coatings involves two processes: volatilization of water and cross-linking of scene curing. During the evaporation process of water, the cross-linking reaction of epoxy resin and waterborne epoxy curing agent occurs. When the evaporation rate of water is faster than the curing rate, there is no water content in the film. If the evaporation rate of water is lower than the curing rate, the surface of the film solidifies too fast. Some water does not run out and ends in the film, which affects the function of the film. Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity have an impact on the evaporation and curing reaction speed of the film moisture, which makes the environmental temperature, relative humidity and ventilation of the paint during its start-up more comfortable than solvent-based epoxy.


2. The influence of dispersed phase viscosity and glass transition temperature on the curing film formation of waterborne epoxy coatings The curing reaction of waterborne epoxy coatings depends on the dispersing process of waterborne epoxy curing agent. The viscosity and glass transition temperature of dispersed phase affect the dispersing rate of waterborne epoxy curing agent. The higher the viscosity and glass transition temperature of dispersed phase, the more difficult it is to disperse waterborne epoxy curing agent molecules. These two factors constitute some barriers for the solidifying agent to disperse into the dispersed phase particles. The viscosity and vitrification of dispersed phase particles are related to the type of epoxy resin used, the emulsification color and the reaction path in curing process.


3. The influence of compatibility between waterborne epoxy curing agent and epoxy resin on the curing process of waterborne epoxy coatings The better the compatibility between waterborne epoxy curing agent and epoxy resin, the simpler the separation of waterborne epoxy curing agent, the more conducive to curing. Epoxy resin is lipophilic, polyamine curing agent is ordinary hydrophilic. In order to improve their compatibility, ordinary waterborne epoxy curing agent should be modified to develop their compatibility.


4. The effect of dispersed particle size on the film formation process of waterborne epoxy coatings. The size of the dispersed particles promotes the compatibility of waterborne epoxy resin emulsion, and all the more compiling factors that affect the function of waterborne epoxy coating. The smaller the particle size of dispersed phase, the narrower the propagation scale, the better the curing implementation, and the better the physical and chemical functions of the film.

来源:苏州耐特立  浏览次数:2553
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中国·苏州·苏州耐特立地坪科技有限公司    地 址:中国江苏省苏州市吴中区木渎镇金枫南路1258号11幢    电话: 0512-88963539   0512-65380067/
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