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当前位置 -> 首页新闻资讯做好环氧地坪漆使用与养护相结合是关键 发布时间:(2018/11/5)


标签:无锡环氧地坪 | 无锡环氧地坪公司


Epoxy flooring has strict construction technology, so we should pay special attention to the daily maintenance. The correct use of epoxy flooring is mainly about the combination of protection and use, improving the performance of products is one aspect, the most important thing is to extend the service life. How to combine the use and maintenance of epoxy floor?


1. When the floor has just been put into use, the heavy-duty vehicles can not be allowed to drive on it at the beginning, because the performance of the floor has not been fully developed at the beginning, so we must be careful at the beginning of use, and then we can use it safely after a period of time.


2. To remove the debris on the floor in time, it is inevitable that the floor will be disturbed by oil stains, water stains and even corrosive chemicals or solvents during the use process. If these things are on the floor, they should be disposed of in time. 

来源:苏州耐特立  浏览次数:1341
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中国·苏州·苏州耐特立地坪科技有限公司    地 址:中国江苏省苏州市吴中区木渎镇金枫南路1258号11幢    电话: 0512-88963539   0512-65380067/
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