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当前位置 -> 首页行业资讯环氧地坪漆施工后存在色差的原因及解决办法 发布时间:(2019/5/31)


标签:无锡环氧地坪 | 无锡环氧地坪公司


Normally, the color of epoxy floor should be bright and pure, and there is no color difference. But in actual construction, there is often a phenomenon of color difference after the construction of epoxy floor paint, which affects the overall aesthetics of the epoxy floor. So what causes the color difference of epoxy floor paint after construction? How to solve it?1、因为环氧地坪漆是双组份的,主漆沉淀,在搅拌时没有充分的搅拌均匀,就会导致环氧地坪漆施工后存在色差。

1. Because the epoxy floor paint is two-component, the main paint precipitation, when stirring, not enough stirring uniformity, will lead to the construction of epoxy floor paint after the existence of chromatic aberration.


Solution: Before construction, the main paint of epoxy topcoat should be fully stirred, and the curing agent should be added in proportion to mix evenly.2、采购的环氧地坪漆材料批次不同

2. Different batches of epoxy floor paint materials purchased


In some large-scale epoxy flooring projects, due to the need for more materials, can not be purchased in place at one time, or even in several batches, which leads to different batches of epoxy flooring paint color difference, after construction will be found in the flooring paint color difference.


Solution: Regardless of the size of the project and the batch production of the surface coating materials, as long as the materials of each batch are placed in an area independently, and then used in construction, the same batch is used in one area, so that slightly different paint color will not affect the overall quality of the project.3、施工中的不连续性会导致环氧地坪漆存在色差

3. Discontinuity in construction will lead to colour difference in epoxy floor paint


In the construction, the one-time epoxy topcoat is not used up, put aside, not treated, and the liquid material of the topcoat in the construction container is exposed to the sun.


Because the epoxy flooring varnish will undergo certain chemical reactions and volatilization in the case of serious temperature imbalance, resulting in changes in concentration. So there is a difference in color when applied.


Solution: In the construction, according to the actual situation, the epoxy floor finish should be allocated to ensure how much to use and how much to allocate, so as not to waste materials, but also to solve the problem of chromatic aberration. 

来源:苏州耐特立  浏览次数:3262
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